New students will need to create an account through our online enrollment.
Returning students will use their existing account to log in and re-enroll.
Click the Apply Now button to enroll

To obtain more information or to apply for a grant, click the NCSEAA button below.
Tuition & Fees
Registration Fee: $150
(NON REFUNDABLE): ($25 discount if paid by June 15 of the upcoming school year)
Maximum fee per family = $300
This fee must be paid during the application process. No application will be considered for acceptance until this fee is paid. The registration fee will include: the application fee, a PCA School T - Shirt, and school supplies.
Testing Fee: $40
For grades 3, 6, 9, & 11 and all students grade 3-12 who receive the Opportunity Scholarship or Disabilities Grant.
Tuition: (Annually)
K-12: $6,000
This fee includes all books and related learning materials that the student will need for the entire year.